Monday, August 27, 2012

One week in….


Alright so there are obviously some cultural difference between Kuwait and Canada, I will list what I have observed so far:
1. Hot.
2. Males can wear almost anything they want, anywhere, tank tops, no, but that appears to be the only limitation. For the most part women may not show their shoulders, cleavage, tight pants, or

arms above the elbows.

2.       Taxis are a flat rate, but you can negotiate. Still not the best at this, but working on it.

3.       You can negotiate price at many places.

4.       People are friendly and helpful.

5.       Few people know how to use their turn signals.

6.       Turning right from the far left lane and turning left from the far right lane is not uncommon.

7.       Parking spaces do not exist.

8.       You must have eyes in the back, right and left side of your head while driving, courtesy does not exist on the roadways. You must drive aggressively and defensively all at the same time.

9.       Some people will just stop, turn around and watch you walk past

10.   Litter and garbage is everywhere. People just drop their wrappers, cans, and whatever when they are done with it.

11.    Construction zones are wide open, anyone can walk in.

12.   Sand and dust is everywhere.

13.   Cars involved in accidents will sit on the side of the road for days or weeks.

14.   Feral cats are everywhere. Kinda like squirrels back home.

15.   Did I mention hot?

16.   Good foods, great variety, generally good pricing for local fare.


Likely many more I haven’t thought of yet.

For the most part I am enjoying the experience, I don’t like not having a car, if I did I would be out driving around exploring the place, but I’m confined to taxis and the school shuttle.


  1. Interesting point about the negotiating. How do you do that?

    Does the taxi driver say 5 Dinars and, you say how about 4? If the menu says 3 Dinars, do you ask the server if you can pay 2?

  2. At the market, cabs and some small stores you can negotiate pricing. Large stores no. The other day I was at the mall, huge place btw, it cost me 2KD to get there with a cabbie we all trust, on the way back the guys asking if you need a cab were saying 5KD, I got them down to 3.5KD, mostly because I was tired and didn't want to wait for the other guy, I'm sure I could have got them down lower, but I just wanted to head home.
