Saturday, March 2, 2013

UK trip

The main photo's are on FB, but these will give you an idea.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

So a small dust storm yesterday, everyone kept inside for the most part, kinda like a haze all day. They say it can get really bad some days, kinda like white outs back home.
Tempertaure is in the high teens, low twentys, going down to the mid to low teens in the evening. They say that it's going to get colder though, down to the mid single digits.
Things are about the same here, i want bacon, butter tarts, and a steak from the Keg.....
Vacation next month, two weeks off!! Really need the break!
Nothing much new here, working away. Kuwait is still Kuwait. 
Garbage, horn honking and rudeness are still the norm here.